Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dusting off the blog...

Hello Blog world.....I was asked today if I have a blog. It kind of made me giggle. Well yes I do but....when was the last time I posted anything? Well May 25 was the last time and before that...humm... Most of my posts have been about the fact that I haven't been posting. Ha ha... Well since it looks like there might actually be someone out there who is going to read my blog its time to brush you off and really get this thing rolling :) So one more post about how I haven't been blogging and next... the recap of what I have been doing the last few months.

I will start with the list of 29 things before I turn 30? Anyone remember the list? Probably not, but anyways I made a list back in January of things I wanted to do before I turned the big 30. Well that day has come and gone and I did not check off everything from my list but I did do a few :) I probably should have given myself a little more time for the 29 things.

Well here is the list

I may not have done them all but I did train and run a half marathon and raise over $2,900 dollars for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society :) I think that was a big success right there. Last weekend I made it to the Flea market with my mom and sis, I finished whatever book I was reading and I think I may have read another after that. So I may have not finished my list but there is always next year. the ones I did finish I am pretty happy about. So those other things can move to my list of 30 before 31. YIKES!!!

number one just might be keep this blog going. Thanks Lesley for getting me to dust off the blog :) and for being my purse swap partner ;)

Purse Swap you ask? For the next post :) and more of what I have been up to the last few months.