Monday, January 11, 2010

Make a statement!

So for months now I have owned these lovely bags, one in blue tie dye, polka dots and flowers. A very cute accessory to carry my groceries in. The only problem is I never remember to bring them to the store. Anyone else have that problem? Well I am putting them in the car tonight so hopefully I will start remembering to bring them.

Reusable grocery bags are popping up everywhere and in every way. Mine were made by a former coworker. She makes hers from fabric, sometimes using old sheets, or shirts. I have seen others made from repurposed rice bags, canvas, and check out this one made of old plastic grocery bags.

Well I plan to make a huge effort in using mine I hope you do the same. Make a statement, lets go Green! Remember every little bit helps.

What small step are you doing to help our planet?


  1. Those bags are super cute ... I use those cheapo canvas bags that are often giveaways. They get the job done, but they get super funky and don't show much style.

    What a great way to reuse fabric from old clothes! I hang mine on the back of a closet doorknob so I remember them when I go shopping. Since I live in New York, you get into the habit of carrying them around with you because shops will give you a plastic for EVERYTHING, including just a pack of gum! Think of that compounded by 6 million people living in the same city ... it is staggering. Each and every one of us has to do our part, regardless of where we live. Thanks for the reminder!
